GFTK Bedding Mortar

Welcome to SHS Distributors, your one-stop destination for all your construction material needs including our GFTK Joint Compounds.
We take pride in offering top-quality products, and today we are thrilled to introduce our exceptional GFTK Bedding Mortar, a game-changer in the industry.

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laying stones on bedding mortar
leveling bedding mortar

Bedding Mortar is a specially formulated material that provides a stable and durable base for various construction projects, including projects that use our Xtreme Easy Joint Compound. It is primarily used for bedding and securing paving stones, slabs, tiles, and other masonry units, ensuring a solid foundation and long-lasting results. VDM 480 is a high-quality plastic-modified jointing compound that contains trass for drainable bedding mortar. This type of mortar is known for its superior water resistance, durability, and strength compared to other methods. 

Trass VDM Bedding mortar is a high-quality, pre-mixed, cement-based mortar that contains volcanic ash known as “Trass.” Trass is a natural pozzolan formed by volcanic ash. Trass has been used for centuries in construction due to its exceptional properties, including high water resistance and strength.

If you are interested in becoming a dealer of this new product line, call us! We would love to talk to you and help you become a company that offer next level products for your area.

Benefits of Trass Bedding Mortar

How to Install Trass Bedding Mortar

prepping bedding mortar

Surface Prep

The surface below the bedding compound must be strong enough to bear the load of the pavers as well as foot or vehicle traffic. Another essential part of building your foundation is ensuring it is water-permeable so water will not seep into the foundation and sit for long periods.
Suppose some areas are not permeable by water (such as areas with house utility connections or slab coverings). In that case, they need to have a slope of at least 1.5 – 3% so the water can run off in case of any watertight areas where water flows and partial puddles form. We recommended installing a drainage mat.

trass bedding mix

Mixing Ratio

Mix VDW 840 Trass bedding mortar in a ratio of 1:4 with a filler material such as gravel or rolled grit.
Add 2.9 gallons of cool, clean water per 55 lb bag of Trass bedding mortar. Add water to the mixture until the bedding mortar is slightly shiny, and you can roll it into a firm ball.
Use a gravity mixer or a pug mill mixer for the best results. The mixing can be done in a wheelbarrow or mortar tub for small amounts.
After mixing, the mortar bedding is ready for immediate use. Try to use the entire contents of the bag at one time; if you are working on a minor job, you can measure out the exact amount needed and reseal the bag of bedding mortar.

paver application on trass bedding mortar


The thickness of the bedding mortar should be at least 1 ½ – 4 inches deep, depending on the load it will bear.
The first step is to lay the mortar bedding loosely. Ensure that the connection elements are treated with VDW 495 – Adhesion Elutriant before they are laid in their correct positions and hammered into place.
When filling the joints, a depth of 1 ¼ from the top edge of the stone is required. After you finish laying and applying, protect the surface with a sheet.
After waiting 24 hours, lightly spray the surface with water and cover it for 48 hours. The surface should not be used until the bedding mortar has reached its full strength. If it is raining, this process could take longer.

Check Out This How To Installation Video Guide

Check Out Our Porcelain Paver Installation Guide

Important Information

After 3 days, the surface can be walked on; after 10 days, it can be driven on by vehicles up to 3.5 tons. After 28 days, it is fully load-bearing, and you can enjoy your stylish new surface!

At SHS Distributors, we are committed to providing high-quality construction materials that meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Experience the excellence of our GFTK Bedding Mortar and take your construction projects to new heights. Please place your order today and witness the difference our products can make!



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